Department of Zoology

Department of Zoology
The curriculum of the courses has been well designed to provide in depth knowledge of all the aspects of animal world. Regular visits are organized to vermicomposting units, piggeries, National Museums, Instrumentation labs, wet lands and various wildlife sanctuaries to provide hands on training to the students. The Post Graduate students of Zoology can opt for further research in Zoology as well as in other fields of Applied Sciences. The courses run by the Department provide opportunity to students to pursue research careers in renowned research labs. like PGI, CSIR, DRDO and various laboratories of DBT, CSIR and DST. Career opportunities to aspirants in various other sectors are also available which include teaching positions in educational institutions, diverse opportunities in museums and wildlife sanctuaries.

Departmental Activities

Faunal Biodiversity of SGGSW Campus

Department of Zoology - Faculty
# Name Designation Qualification Area of Specialization Resume
Dr. Charankamal SekhonAssistant Professor and InchargePhD, M.Phil, M.Sc.Entomology
Dr. Monika AiriAssistant ProfessorPhD, M.Phil, M.Sc.Entomology
Ms. Samgeet Kaur Assistant ProfessorB.Sc., M.Sc., B.edCytogenetics
Ms. Mandeep KaurAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.Parasitology
Department of Zoology - Programs
Course Name Eligibility Duration Syllabus
M.Sc. (Zoology)B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology/ B.Sc. Medical/B.Sc. Fish & Fisheries/ B.Sc. with Zoology as one of the subjects with 50% marks2 Years
Ph.D. (Doctorate of Philosophy) - ZoologyAs per UGC norm------
Department of Zoology - Research
Number of Ph.D. students 5 In-Progress
Research Projects Details 0
Research Papers Published 50+