Public Notice by Government of Punjab Regarding Admission in B.Sc. Agriculture
Enrolment Percentage
Reservation Matrix
List of Teachers with Ph.D
Teaching Experience of Teachers
List of Teachers undergone FDP
Notice for Value - Added Courses for Metric 1.3.2
Consolidated List of Courses for Metric 1.2
Number of awards/medals won by students for Metric 5.3.1
Admitted Students Details
Faculty Details
Evaluation Process
Incubation Activities
Academic Collaborations
NSS Activities
e-Governance Policy
Resource Development Facilities
Research Labs
Capacity development and skills enhancement initiatives are undertaken by the institution for Metric 5.1.3
Details of Statutory/ Regulatory Committees for Metric 5.1.4
List of students progressed to higher education for Metric 5.2.2
Year Wise List of students Qualifying in State / National / International level Examination for Metric 5.2.3
Year Wise List of Students Benefited by Scholarships for Metric 5.1.1
List of students placed along with placement detail for Metric 5.2.1
Year Wise list of students participated in events for Metric 5.3.3
List of teachers who received national / international fellowship / financial support by various agencies for advanced studies / research for Metric
Percentage of JRFs, SRFs among the enrolled PhD scholars in the institution for Metric 3.1.4
Research funding received by the institution and its faculties through Government and non-government sources for Metric 3.2.1
Number of research projects per teacher funded by government, non-government, industry, corporate houses, international bodies for Metric 3.2.2
Awards / recognitions received for research/innovations by the institution / teachers/ research scholars / students for Metric 3.3.2
Code of Ethics for research for Metric 3.4.1
Books and chapters in edited volumes published per teacher for Metric 3.4.5
E-content developed by teachers on LMS for Metric 3.4.6
Outcomes of Extension Activities in the neighbourhood community in terms of impact and sensitizing the students to social issues and holistic development and award received for Metric 3.6.1
Extension and Outreach programs for Metric 3.6.2
MoUs/linkages/Collaborations for Metric 3.7.1
Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals as notified on UGC CARE list for Metric 3.4.4
Number of Ph.D.’s awarded per teacher for Metric 3.4.3
Patents published / awarded for Metric 3.4.2
Reserved Seats Conversion