Strategic Roadmap

Strategic Roadmap

STRATEGIC ROADMAP (Long term Institutional Plan)

The long-term strategic plan/framework of a University might be referred to as its "institutional vision" or "University development strategy." This plan outlines the overarching goals, priorities, and initiatives that the University aims to achieve over an extended period, typically spanning several years or even decades. It encompasses various aspects such as academic excellence, research advancement, student success, infrastructure development, community engagement, and financial sustainability. The plan serves as a guiding framework for decision-making and resource allocation to propel the University towards its desired future state.


Promotion of transparency and accountability in Administration:

The transparency in the decision-making process shell be enhanced by making administrative policies, decisions, and outcomes accessible to stakeholders. Defined deadlines are being set for the timely completion of the task provided for the administrative and departmental works. The University shall implement the mechanism of soliciting feedback from faculty, staff, students, and external stakeholders to improve administrative practices. Moreover, a performance evaluation system for administrative units will be evolved in near future.


The University follows the system of decentralization where in the powers are distributed to the heads of different branches such as examination, establishment, accounts, Teaching departments and other non-academic branches to increase the efficacy of work. The University is also in the process of following decentralization policy in the examination system according to which the exams will be conducted as well as assessed in the respective departments. This process will speed up the result compilation and declaration process in addition to increasing transparency in the evaluation process.

Digitalization of system:

Taking a step towards ‘No paper policy’, theUniversity has started implementing online ERP portal in admission, registration, finance and accounts and examination.For the smooth functioning of ERP and to cater to the problems, if any, in the ERP system, a special ERP cell has been established in the University. The University is in the process of implementing National Academic Depository (NAD) for all the programs running in the campus as a part of Government’s digital India campaign. This whole process is guided by the Nodal officer-NAD.

Providing training to Faculty:

The Universityconducts various comprehensive faculty training programs,conferences and seminars for teachers from time to time.This initiative aims to equip faculty members with the necessary skills and knowledge to continually enhance teaching, research, and overall academic practices.Moreover, at the beginning of every session, the orientation program will be organized for the newly appointed faculty to acquaint them with the administrative and academic system of the University.


Curriculum Enrichment:

To identify the gaps between the academia and Industry, it is necessary to evaluate and upgrade syllabus from time to time. Therefore, the Universityis committed to periodically upgrade the syllabus according to the industry needs and prevailing scenario.

The University aims to implement National Education Policy (NEP 2020) in all its programs and is going to offer diverse range of courses in all disciplines.

During coming years, the major focus of the University will be to start more skill-based and value-based courses so as to prepare students for being successful entrepreneurs.

In the light of National Education policy, the University plans to introduce various multidisciplinary academic programs/courses in collaboration with other higher educational institutes of India. For achieving this goal, theUniversity will be signing MOU with renowned institutes of the region.

E-Learning Platforms:

To enhance the practice of self - learning and to deliver quality education to its students, the University plans to promote the practice of learning via online mode using e- learning platforms like MOOC/Swayam in accordance with UGC-MHRD guidelines.

Moreover,the University is in the process of developing its own e-learning portal where e-content will be uploaded by the teachers, and the students can assess the content on this portal. More ICT enabled classrooms will be developed in the campus to provide easy access for e-resources to the students. Hence, for the development of e-content, Media labs and Lecture capturing systems will be developed in the University.

Enriching the Students’ Personality and soft Skills

At Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, it is recognized that academic success is just one aspect of a student's journey towards becoming a well-rounded individual. The University is committed to foster holistic development by equipping our students with essential life skills, nurturing their personalities, and enhancing their soft skills.

Hence to achieve this goal, the University shall organize more co-curricular and extracurricular activities at the level of Intra-departmental, inter departmental and inter University levels. More soft skill development workshops will be organized for the students in the University so as to provide the students with more opportunities for their personal growth also.


Institutional Growth and Diversity are the main pillars for the success of any institution. Diversity is not just a goal but a guiding principle for the strategic plan of the University. The University recognizes that a diverse university community enriches the educational experience, promotes personal growth, and enhances our collective capacity for innovation.Therefore, the University will actively promote diversity in both students and staff so as expose students to wider range of prospectives and experiences.

Expanding Outreach

As part of our commitment to serve the community and advancing education, we recognize the importance of expanding our outreach to attract students from diverse backgrounds and regions. Hence, to increase the student enrolment ratio and to expand the horizons of the University, efforts will be made to attract students from other states also. By expanding the outreach to states such as Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and other regions of eastern and southern India, Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University aims to attract diverse and talented students that reflects the rich cultural tapestry of our nation.

Inclusive Recruitment and Retention:

In addition to students, the University isalso committed to attracting and retaining a diverse body of students, faculty, and staff. This includes targeted outreach and support programs for underrepresented groups, ensuring equitable access to educational and professional opportunities.

Campus Climate and Culture: The University strives to create a campus environment where everyone feels valued and included. Initiatives will include cultural competency training, support for affinity groups, and events that celebrate cultural diversity.

Community Engagement: The University’s commitment to diversity extends beyond the campus. Hence the University plans to engage with the broader community through partnerships and outreach programs that promote social equity and inclusion.

Promotion of Inclusive curriculum and Pedagogy:

The University will be incorporating diverse perspectives and content into the curriculum. The curriculum of different courses will made more inclusive keeping in view the culture and social needs of the society. The University is committed to provide the emotional and academic assistance to the students in the form of counselling and mentoring support.


Research is the cornerstone of academic excellence and innovation. In line with our commitment to advancing knowledge across disciplines, the University has developed comprehensive strategies for enhancing research endeavors within theUniversity community.

Infrastructure and Resources:

To support cutting-edge research, the recognize the importance of investing in state-of-the-art infrastructure and resources. Therefore, the University is in the process to upgrade the following facilities:

Laboratories and Research Facilities:The University is in the process of upgrading existing laboratories of all the departments and establishing new research facilities equipped with the latest technologies and instrumentation to facilitate experimentation and data analysis. Taking a step towards this direction, the University has established a central instrumentation laboratory which houses various advanced equipments.

Libraries and Archives:The access to updated scholarly resources, databases, and archives to support literature reviews, data mining, and interdisciplinary research will be made available in the library.

Research Grants and Funding:The Universitywill provide seed funding to support faculty members under the seed money policy of the University and also provide travel grant for attending conferences in India and abroad. The University aims to provide various platforms to its faculty and researchers so as to promote research culture in the campus.

The faculty of the University will be encouraged to get fundings in the form of research projects. The researchers will be provided with a conducive environment in the form of infrastructure facilities etc. for carrying out research.

Interdisciplinary Research:The University aims to promote interdisciplinary and collaborative research initiatives that would transcend traditional boundaries and address complex societal challenges. Hence, focus will be on interdisciplinary research where the researchers from diverse fields shall come together and work for the advancement of science and technology, and in the long run for the betterment of mankind. The University plans to create collaborative spaces, such as research centers, and interdisciplinary hubs, where scholars from different disciplines can collaborate on interdisciplinary research initiatives.

Organizing Conferences and Seminars:The University shall be organizing more research symposia, conferences, and seminars that would bring together scholars, policymakers, and community stakeholders at single platform to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and foster collaboration on pressing issues of global significance. The Universitywill continue to organizes research meet every year to bring the researchers of the region under one roof for the exchange of ideas and to inculcate the interest for research among the students.

Promotion of Innovation, startup and entrepreneurship: The University has adopted the National Innovation and startup policy in 2021. For the coming years, the SGGSW University aims to create an ecosystem for entrepreneurship and startups for students by establishing more incubation centers. The University will also look forward for collaborations with various government and non-government agencies who will be providing either incubation facility or funding to our young entrepreneurs.


Alumni relations are a critical component of an institution's development strategy.Engaged alumni can contribute significantly to the University's growth through financial support, mentorship, networking opportunities, and enhancing the University's reputation. Therefore, strengthening alumni relations will be a strategic priority in the development plan of the University.

Comprehensive Alumni Database Management: The University shall develop and maintain a roust database of its alumni so as to keep a complete record of alumni whereabouts, achievements, and engagement preferences.

Alumni Events and Reunions:The University aims to strengthen its alumni network by organizing more alumni interactionssuch as reunions, gatherings, and virtual meetups, to provide networking opportunities and strengthen community bonds. The University will also plan to organize special events, like alumni awards and guest lectures, to celebrate alumni achievements and encourage their participation.

The University shall establish alumni chapters to facilitate networking and collaboration among alumni and to foster regional and affinity-based connections.

Fundraising Campaigns: The involvement in institutional development will be encouraged through advisory roles and fundraising campaigns.

By nurturing these relationships, the University aims to create a vibrant and supportive alumni community, serving as ambassadors and advocates for the mission and values of the institution.This proactive approach will not only enhance institutional reputation but also create a vibrant, supportive alumni community that contributes to the institution’s mission and vision.

Strategic Roadmap