Department of Botany and Environmental Science

Department of Botany and Environmental Science

Department of Botany and Environmental Science is one of the emerging departments of the university. The department was established in year 2014 with the aim to foster value based quality education in the fields of plant biology and environmental sciences. Presently, department offers Master’s and Ph.D. programmes in Botany. The department will be a paragon of virtues, diligently exposing its students with vivid aspects of plant biology and environmental science. The department is growing progressively by expanding its gamut of academic activities. The Department has well equipped laboratories for teaching particles and research. The curriculum is designed to provide in-depth training and imparting skills in various areas pertaining to the field. The courses run by the department will provide various opportunities to the students in their future to pursue their teaching and research career in various colleges, universities and other government agencies like Pollution Control Board, DST, DBT, CSIR & DRDO. The students also have good scope in private sectors like Medicinal & Pharmaceutical companies, Refineries, Industrial Research and Development units. Faculty members are available as academic advisers and hold office hours for consultation about the courses offered by the department.

Departmental Activities

Sri Guru Har Rai Botanical Garden>

Department of Botany and Environmental Science - Faculty
# Name Designation Qualification Area of Specialization Resume
Dr. Navdeep KaurAssistant Professor & Department InchargePhD, M.Sc.Cytogenetics & Plant Molecular Biology
Dr. ShvetaAssistant ProfessorPhD, M.Phil, M.Sc.Algal Physiology
Dr. Nisha SharmaAssistant ProfessorPh.D, M.Sc.Cytomorphology, Phytochemistry (HPLC, UPLC, GCMS,Isolation of active principles), Biotechnology (Bioactivities of medicinal plants)
Mr. Gurdarshan SinghAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., B.Sc.Cyanobacterial Systematics, Water Quality, Wetland Ecology,Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Taxonomy of Wood Rotting Fungi
Mr. Amandeep SinghAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., B.Sc.Cytogenetics
Mr. Vinay KumarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., B.Sc. Structural Biology, Plant Physiology and Plant Development, Bioactive Compounds and Bio Molecules, Plant Breeding and Genetics
Ms. Sumandeep KourAssistant ProfessorM.Sc, B.Sc.Botany
Dr. Saroj Kumar PradhanAssistant Professor M.Sc.Ph.D, Post Doc (CSIR-RA)Cytogenetics, Phytochemistry & Stress physiology
Ms. Manpreet KaurAssistant Professor M.Sc., CSIR-NETPhytochemistry
Department of Botany and Environmental Science - Programs
Course Name Eligibility Duration Syllabus
M.Sc. BotanyB.Sc. (Medical)/B.Sc. (Hons./ Hons. School) Botany/B.Sc. with Botany as one of the subjects, with at least 50% marks in aggregate .2 Years
Ph.D. (Doctorate of Philosophy) - Botany As per UGC Norms------
Department of Botany and Environmental Science - Research
Number of Ph.D. students 2 Completed, 5 In-Progress
Research Projects Details 1
Research Papers Published 40+