Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry
The Department nurtures education and research in the field of chemistry to meet the growing need for qualified and efficient individuals. The Department provides the opportunity for Ph.D., Postgraduate and Undergraduate courses to disseminate knowledge in all the fields of Chemistry. The students are provided with the laboratory experience in Inorganic and Organic Synthesis, Computational Chemistry and Physio-Chemical Measurements. The laboratories are fully equipped to fulfill the requirements of Ph.D., postgraduate and undergraduate courses. The Department is growing steadily with strong commitment for teaching and research. There are currently 14 Ph.D. research scholars in the Department. The Department encourages students to participate in various scientific researches and co-curricular activities both at National as well as International level for their overall development. The pass out students of the Department have successfully been placed in teaching and research units like CSIR labs, DRDO, DST, Pollution control boards, Pharmaceuticals, Refineries and other industries.

Departmental Activities

Department of Chemistry - Faculty
# Name Designation Qualification Area of Specialization Resume
Prof. Dr. Prit Pal SinghProfessor PhD, M.Phil, M.Sc.Inorganic Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry
Dr. Rahul BadruAssistant Professor and HODPhD, M.Sc.Organic Chemistry
Dr. Ripneel KaurAssistant ProfessorPh.D., M.Phil, B.EdInorganic Chemistry
Dr. Suchandra BhattacharjeeAssistant ProfessorPh.D., M.Sc., UGC-NET (LS)Organic Chemistry
Dr. Tarnveer KaurAssistant ProfessorPh.D., M.Phil, B.EdPhysical Chemistry
Dr. Khushboo Verma Assistant ProfessorPh.Dorganic chemistry
Dr. Sushmita GajurelAssistant ProfessorM.Sc, Ph.D.Organic Chemistry
Ms. Simranjot KaurAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., B.Ed.Chemistry
Department of Chemistry - Programs
Course Name Eligibility Duration Syllabus
B.Sc. Major in Chemistry /B.Sc. Chemistry Honours10+2 (medical or non-medical stream) with at least 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized Board/Council.3 Years/4 Years
B.Sc. Medical / B.Sc. Medical with Honours in Botany/ Chemistry/ Zoology10+2 Medical with 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized board/ Council3 Years/ 4 Years
M.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryGraduate in Science with Chemistry as one of the major subject/B.Sc. Chemistry (Hons. School)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry with at least 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized University.2 Years
Ph.D. (Doctorate of Philosophy) - ChemistryAs per UGC norms ------
Department of Chemistry - Research
Number of Ph.D. students 12Completed; 7 In-Progress
Research Projects Details 1
Research Papers Published 45+