Instructions for Contributors

Instructions for Contributors


1.  The Contribution should contain 10-12 pages in MS-Word in Times New Roman font of English & Asees font of Punjabi, Size 12 point and 1.5 line spacing.

2.  Indication of notes should be serially numbered in the text of the article with a raised numeral and the corresponding notes should be given at the end of the paper.

Example of formatting follow:

(i) R.P. Dhokalia, Interfaith Dialouge for Working Together, New Delhi: Icon Publications,  2007, pp. 163-164.

3.  One soft copy and two hard copies of the contribution should be submitted.

4.  The relevant paper should not highlight any type of derogatory matter related to any religion, group or person.

5.  Paper should have academic language and be proof read before submission.

6.  The Editor reserves the right to adjust style to certain standard of uniformity.

7.  The editor reserves the right to reject any paper on the report of reviewer committee. Referees, whose names are kept confidential, will study all contributions which the Editor deems to be of sufficient significance and sends for peer review.

8.  The author of an article is supplied with a copy of concerned issue, within a month of its publication.

9.  The author themselves are responsible for the opinions/thoughts/views expressed by them in their articles/papers. The university provides a forum for expressing views without claiming finality of views on any matter. The finality is an attribute of the Almighty.